[CREATE] colour lists; in Oyranos?

James Cloos cloos+fd-create at jhcloos.com
Thu Sep 15 11:02:12 PDT 2005

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Bradney <cbradney at zip.com.au> writes:

Craig> I mean many people done need profiles, ie, they "just want to
Craig> work" with what they get from a default install and thats it.

They should then just get a default profile -- probably sRGB or even
just an f(x)=x type profile.

They don't even need to know that they are using a profile.

Such a setup will also help those that do care, since the code will
tend to expect profiles and be closer to Doing The Right Thing, even
code that wasn't necessarily for pre-press type usage.

James H. Cloos, Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com>

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