[CREATE] proposal site renew and logo.

Nicu Buculei nicu at nicubunu.ro
Sat Apr 8 11:20:11 PDT 2006

Peter Čuhalev wrote:
> hello,
> i got around a little time and made a logo for create and a little 
> redesign on the css theme of the planet blog on create at fdo.org.
> i took jon's lightbulb and styled it a little as the idea was to have a 
> lightbulb or so i remember.

As you can see, currently we have a placeholder instead of logo. I agree 
it should be replaced with something.
AFAIK, we always wanted to have an open discuss and maybe a contest or a 

As for the style sheet, indeed, it should be also modified: in the 
beginning I just took the one from http://planet.openclipart.org and 
made a few minor modifications - the intention was to revamp it later, 
maybe once we have a logo, so the layout match the logo.

But the Create project was very slow until recently, so I guess we just 
forgot about those things.
So thanks for the reminder and let's do something!


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