[CREATE] Second proposition: Stuttgart

Louis Desjardins louis_desjardins at mardigrafe.com
Thu Apr 20 13:43:23 PDT 2006

Bdale Garbee a écrit :

> On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 10:03 -0400, Louis Desjardins wrote:
>>I can only think of working harder with the sponsors so we can get 
>>"most" people to cross the oceans and participate.
> The key to making this happen is to identify, fairly early, who the key
> participants/contributors to the event will be... and figure out roughly
> what it will cost to get them to the event at sponsor's expense.  Then
> that came become part of the event budget and can be directly discussed
> with sponsors.



> Bdale

Louis Desjardins
Mardigrafe inc.
T 514 934 1353
F 514 934 3698

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