[CREATE] First beta release of the 64 Studio distribution

Daniel James daniel at 64studio.com
Wed Aug 9 03:10:45 PDT 2006

Hi Jon,

 > how would you like CREATE to be involved with this beyond a news
> release list ;)

We're aiming to provide the best possible free software distro for 
creative users, and by implication, free software application 
developers. At this stage, we're looking for people to download the 
0.9.1 second beta, try it for a few days, then tell us what doesn't work 
and what's missing. Direct contributions are of course welcome, as we're 
a small team.


Mirror site:


After considering the problem that many of our would-be users don't have 
access to the latest hardware, we now produce an 'old skool' i386 
edition, although it isn't the lightest of distros for older hardware. 
You could speed it up a lot by replacing Gnome with Fluxbox or similar, 
of course.

I think the weak spots at the moment, in terms of tools, are 2D 
animation (we're looking at both Ktoon and Synfig) and video editing 
(we'll probably include Kino in our 1.0 release, but are looking forward 
to packaging Open Movie Editor when a stable release is available). 
We've also been talking to one of the Jahshaka developers, as they've 
got some interesting new releases coming along.



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