[CREATE] OpenRaster core XML pondering (Re: OpenRaster page)

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Aug 21 13:45:13 PDT 2006

> Cyrille, do you have documentation of the new krita format on-line?
hum no :( it's the whole point of openraster, to have something documented ;) 
(btw s/new/current/ ;) )

> Hopefully we can compare the two continuously and push for merging, or
> at least hope for it :)

Here is an example taken from one of my image:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1.3//EN" "http://www.koffice.org/DTD/krita-1.3.dtd">
<DOC xmlns="http://www.koffice.org/DTD/krita" syntaxVersion="1" editor="Krita" 
depth="1" >
 <IMAGE y-res="100" width="1000" mime="application/x-kra" profile="sRGB 
built-in - (lcms internal)" height="650" colorspacename="RGBA" name="unnamed" 
x-res="100" description="" >
   <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" locked="0" 
colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="Colors" filename="layer0" 
visible="1" />
   <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" locked="0" 
colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="Outlines" filename="layer1" 
visible="1" />
   <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="grouplayer" locked="0" 
opacity="255" name="Scrambled TV Image" visible="1" >
     <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" locked="0" 
colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="Noise" filename="layer2" 
visible="1" />
     <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" locked="0" 
colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="TV Image" filename="layer3" 
visible="0" >
       <ExifValue ifd="2" numerator0="1203" components="1" type="5" 
denominator0="256" name="ApertureValue" />
   <layer x="0" y="-229" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" 
locked="1" colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="140" name="draft" filename="layer4" 
visible="0" />
   <layer x="0" y="-229" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" 
locked="1" colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="Background" 
filename="layer5" visible="1" />

as you can see it's close to pippin's work, except it's a bit messy... LAYERS 
should be replaced to layergroup, but it was done this way for backward 

The next example does something close to what pippin's xml does:

<DOC xmlns="http://www.koffice.org/DTD/krita" syntaxVersion="1" editor="Krita" 
depth="1" >
 <IMAGE y-res="100" width="1000" mime="application/x-kra" profile="sRGB 
built-in - (lcms internal)" height="600" colorspacename="RGBA" name="unnamed" 
x-res="100" description="" >
   <layer filtername="brightnesscontrast" x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" 
filterversion="1" layertype="adjustmentlayer" locked="0" opacity="255" 
name="Brightness / Contrast" filename="layer0" visible="1" />
   <layer filtername="invert" x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" 
filterversion="0" layertype="adjustmentlayer" locked="0" opacity="255" 
name="Invert" filename="layer1" visible="1" filename="mask" />
   <layer x="0" y="0" compositeop="normal" layertype="paintlayer" locked="0" 
colorspacename="RGBA" opacity="255" name="Layer 1" filename="layer2" 
visible="1" />

Note, that pippin's effect are in krita layers, with the value "filtername" 
(layer filtername="brightnesscontrast" is an effect). The "invert" effect is 
associated to a mask which restrict the effect area.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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