[CREATE] instruments definitions

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 17:23:05 PST 2006


I'm not actually subscribed to any of muse's lists, so I just CC to Werner.

For me situation with instruments definitions begins to bring
troubles. We have two decent MIDI sequencers, and each of them
supports only its own instruments definition format.

For me having one uniform standard format would be best, especially if
definitions are kept in one system directory so that any application
could see it. This is what we are trying to achieve in our "Create"
project [1] with "Shared resources" specification [2].

Currently we are about to setup an SVN repository at Freedesktop.org
to store shared resources of different kinds. With a uniform file
format and a uniform system directory one could make a new definition,
commit it to one repository and make users of both applications happy.
I'm pretty sure that more free applications will needs some
instruments definition file format in the future (at least Ardour), so
why not have a standard?

There is no need to make Rosegarden and MusE depend on a large package
with patterns and brushes that are not related to audio production.
Definitions can be packaged separately and have their own versioning.

If you feel like are ready to discuss it, Create's ML is a fine place
for that. It's a _very_ low traffic list.

[1] http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/About
[2] http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/Shared_resources


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