[CREATE] Re: raw processing

Udi Fuchs udifuchs at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 14:41:04 PST 2006

I am amazed at the interest that is shown here for raw image
processing. I've being working for over a year now on UFRaw. There are
a few people that contribute some code, but most of the work I do by
myself in my free time.

I think that some people here are under estimating the complexity of
raw conversion. It is no rocket science, but it is more complicated
than just running dcraw. dcraw is responsible for decrypting the raw
information and gives some basic conversion option, but you need a
tool like UFRaw to fully control the conversion of the raw image to an
RGB image that could be later handled by standard programs like the

If one of the above suggested libraries has a design document I would
be glad to comment on it. It would be great if UFRaw could use such a

You are also welcome to join UFRaw's development. At the moment
UFRaw's internal API cannot be exported as a library, but it could
reach this point with enough work. We (Neils Bech who helps in UFRaw's
development and I) have the best experience in maintaining code, which
is updated regularly with dcraw.

I think that UFRaw's code is a good basis for developing a library and
in general for standardizing the raw work flow.


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