[CREATE] First early draft for the OpenRaster's layer stack

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Tue Nov 28 10:59:38 PST 2006

> - "standard" : for the list of filters and the associated mathematics,
> see the relevant OpenRaster specification
> -"composite" : composite are filters which are a composition of a list
> of stantard filters, the name must be the name of a filter defined in
> the same file
> I don't quite understand the difference :(
standard are "individual filters" filters for 
instance "invert" "brightness/contrast" "blur" etc.
And "composite" are filters which are in fact a composition of other filters. 
For instance "blur and invert at the same time" In the following example, the 
layers stack are equivalent:
<effect name="standard:invert" />
<effect name="standard:blur" />
<layer name="layer 1" />


<effect name="composite:blurinvert" />
<layer name="layer 1" />
<compositefilter name="blurinvert" >
 <filter name="standard:blur" />
 <filter name="standard:invert" />

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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