[CREATE] Kind reminder from your dedicated LGM organisation !!!

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 05:21:12 PDT 2007

Hello all LGM participants and speakers,

If you haven't done so yet, please, please take a few secs to register for
LGM at


This is the best way to help me in the late stages of this big organisation,
make sure we have enough food and drink, make sure we can accommodate
everyone, etc.

Many thanks in advance and looking forward to welcome you in Montréal!


p.s. Please forward this message to any list you might think it be important
to send it.

Louis Desjardins
Organisateur / Organiser
Libre Graphics Meeting 2007 - Montréal
+1 514 934 1353 HAE / EDT GMT -4
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