[CREATE] XMP : MakerNote

Hubert Figuiere hub at figuiere.net
Fri Jun 8 16:22:09 PDT 2007

Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
>> So I propose, one schema for the data chunk:
>> uri: http://create.freedesktop.org/xmp/MakerNote/1.0
>> prefix: mkn
>> With only value:
>> RawData as a String with the MakerNote encoded in base64
> 	Please DO NOT do this!!
> 	I've discussed this the XMP team and they do NOT recommend the  
> inclusion of a "binary blob" of data inside of XMP, and ESPECIALLY  
> NOT the MakerNote data. 

Know I'm laughing by a** off. Because that's exactly what Lightroom does
with its own private data (in its own namespace).

> That should remain as a binary block inside  
> the other formats.  That is how Adobe Creative Suite handles it and  
> we would recommend that for compatibilty you do the same.


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