[CREATE] XMP : MakerNote

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sat Jun 9 01:09:43 PDT 2007

> In the binary file. That's why the Exempi, by way of the XMP SDK, does
> reconcile the metadata when rewriting the XMP (in the JPEG that mean
> having Exif consistent with XMP)

And that's because I guess you still have the original jpeg file, and is 
writting to it.

> > Hum, yes that makes sense. And relooking carefully throught all the
> > available spec, there is indeed a lot of overlap.
> If you really want these field, just create a new namespace and add them.
That's what I am proposing and asking if there is an interest for Create 
namespace about this :)

Cyrille Berger

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