[CREATE] spam blocking tactics for mediawiki

John Bintz jcoswell at coswellproductions.org
Wed Sep 5 16:38:53 PDT 2007

Jon Phillips wrote:
> RE: John, I guess we need to update mediawiki versions on our
> wikis...John, can you help with :)
I just downloaded and uncompressed the latest MediaWiki software to my 
home directory on hawthorn.  I have enough info in the config files to 
do the necessary database backups.  Just need to block off some time to 
do the upgrades.  It looks like there's three wikis on the server...how 
about I tackle the Create one first, say tomorrow around 9PM EDT, and 
take care of the others next week after we know that the Create wiki is 
stable?  At the same time I do the upgrade, I'll install reCAPTCHA on 
the Create wiki.



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