[CREATE] What is a "swatch" ?

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Fri Sep 28 09:51:30 PDT 2007

On Friday 28 September 2007, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
> To try to get some idea of various platforms needs, I thought it
> might be good to separately address the definition of "swatch".
> For Inkscape's needs, we'd like to at least have linear and radial
> gradients. If reasonable, patterns would be very good too. For
> colors, we need base sRGB values, and icc specified colors. Having an
> sRGB fallback is needed.
What's a reasonable pattern ? And I also wonder what's differentiate between a 
linear and radial gradients as far as a swatch file format is concerned ?

Anyway for Krita, it's also color, gradients and patterns (and brush ?). In 
gradients we currently use the same file format as the Gimp which have more 
features than SVG gradient (linear, curved, sine, sphere inc., sphere dec. 
interpolations in RGB and HSV ).

About pattern, the annoyance is that is usually a bitmap file, and it's 
allways a little bit annoying to embed a bitmap file in XML. And having 
separate file is less convenient when you want to exchange your file.

Cyrille Berger

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