[CREATE] Color swatches

Chris Lilley chris at w3.org
Wed Apr 9 10:21:49 PDT 2008

On Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 12:50:20 AM, Olivier wrote:

OB>  Color spaces are needed only for the printing industry, not for
OB> web and not for "normal" people. So the software should show a
OB> "print quality label" for swatches (or colors) that have a profile
OB> attached but it shouldn't be mandatory in the specification.

I strongly disagree.

'Normal' people send back goods all the time because the colour is

And Web standards have been moving towards calibrated colour over the
last decade.

However, its certainly true that commercial printing has adopted
calibrated color ahead of other areas of use.

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:chris at w3.org
 Interaction Domain Leader
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

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