[CREATE] What is a gradient?

Olivier BERTEN olivier.berten at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 16:05:18 PDT 2008

Cyrille Berger a écrit :

> On Wednesday 11 June 2008, Olivier BERTEN wrote:
>> I mean, in graphic design/visual art, not in mathematics.
>> Is it limited to color? 3 samples: http://www.selapa.net/create/
>> Do you think these are gradients, why?
> It's neither a pattern nor a gradient, it's a composition of a gradient with a 
> pattern:
> http://cyrille.diwi.org/tmp/krita/gradient.png
> http://cyrille.diwi.org/tmp/krita/gradient.kra
That's how I draw it (svg file added) but I actually consider the first 
two as "simple" linear gradient where the first stop is a plain color 
and the second one is a pattern. Is that a non-sense for a gradient?

For the third one, I wasn't sure... the black circles radius is 
proportional to the x position so I thought it could possibly be 
considered as a "shape" gradient...
> That said gradients are not limited to colors, wikipedia gives a good 
> definition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient . You can imagine all sort 
> of gradients for "shapes" or "colors" or whatever.

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