Dave Neary dneary at free.fr
Wed Jun 25 08:40:14 PDT 2008


I forwarded this on to Ton (hopefully he'll join the list here & answer
more questions himself), and he told me:

"The subsidy request is now being finalized. Only in september or so we
hear about that, until that time you can only mention that Amsterdam (+
Blender) have the option to organize it, but nothing is final...

BTW: good news is that the city treats it very seriously... they want to
create buzz by allowing good budgets for important speakers. They also
suggested to add a session on open source in general for the press, and
have Neelie Kroes do an keynote about open standards!"

I'd support an Amsterdam bid, even in the absence of a subsidy, but Ton
has said he'd be spread pretty thin unless there were a subsidy which
would allow him to take on a part-time administrative assistant to do
the work for us.


Louis Desjardins wrote:
> 2008/6/11 Dave Neary <dneary at free.fr <mailto:dneary at free.fr>>:
>     Hi all,
>     Now that LGM 2008 is over, attention turns to LGM 2009.
>     I know that Andy has already tentatively proposed Singapore, but for a
>     number of reasons (not least the cost, and the problem that many people
>     wouldn't be able to go), I'm not a fan of that option.
>     I mentioned to Ton Roosendaal that Ansterdam would be a great site, and
>     whether he'd be prepared to lead up the organisation and put in a
>     proposal, and today he got back to me:
>     Ton Roosendaal said:
>     > I've been approached by the Amsterdam city council, if we had ideas
>     > for an open source based CG conference next year june. They want to
>     > align it to big 3d Games event in Amsterdam, and the Dutch game days
>     > in Utrecht.
>     >
>     > I've immediately mentioned LGM to them. They need us to make an
>     > estimate before july 1. Answer then will follow in sept/okt.
>     >
>     > Is this opportunity worth pursuing, or did you find a good host city
>     > already? Note, if this works it'll be decadent, with enough money to
>     > fly in all celebs we need. :)
>     So - does this sound like a good option for people? It's a change of
>     schedule, and also perhaps not as intimate as we've had over the past 3
>     years, but Amsterdam is a transport hub for Europe, so cheap to get to
>     from Asia, the US and all over Europe, and is a very lively city that we
>     haven't been to previously.
>     If there is a general feeling that this is an option, I'll give Ton a
>     green light to put together an estimate for costs, and we should have a
>     definitive site for the conference soon.
>     Thoughts?
> Hi all,
> Lots have been said so far regarding Singapore and Amsterdam. I think we
> should make a decision pretty soon now. Do we feel we need a couple more
> weeks for discussing? I would like to hear from *all* teams.
> If so, I would suggest that by mid-July we come up with a decision on
> the location and also constitute an organisation team (both local and on
> the web) working on the next edition. Things go quick and sponsoring is
> not easy. Plus, if we want to increase media awareness on the LGM, the
> sooner we start, the better.
> Things to consider first to make a choice are:
> 1. Estimated costs for travel for all the participating teams.
> 2. Estimated costs for accomodations (hotels and food). This is
> important to figure out whether some people will still be able to make
> it to a specific destination provided the only reimbursement they get is
> their flight.
> 3. Time of the year to make sure we have no agenda conflicts with other
> important event(s)
> You might also find advisable to add (or at least figure out) the costs
> of the people who are not necessarily official members of a specific
> team but who do give lots of valuable inputs to one or more projects.
> Also, we must let room to newcomers and new projects. Getting fresh
> blood is also what LGM is about.
> Cheers,
> Louis
>     Cheers,
>     Dave.
>     --
>     Dave Neary
>     dneary at free.fr <mailto:dneary at free.fr>
>     Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
>     Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
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Dave Neary
dneary at free.fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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