[CREATE] Pitching a community-funded conference

Dave Neary dneary at free.fr
Thu Mar 13 09:19:04 PDT 2008


Cutting most of your thoughts with one observation: getting to the right
person to make these sorts of arguments, and extrapolating from the
flighty arguments to the bottom line, is not a simple thing. A good
start would be to draw up a list of companies who *should* have a bottom
line affected by Linux, and then try to figure out who the right person
to contact in each of these companies is.

Yuval: I'll leave this first step (the list of companies) as an exercise
for you ;-)

Yuval Levy wrote:
> take that "Linux" away. compromise. Graphic apps are the most desired
> apps, full stop.

This is not true though. The most used application on the desktop, by a
mile, is the web browser. Followed by an email client. Followed by
(depending on your age) games or word processing software.

Very few people, when asked what they do with a computer, actually do
any graphics work.

And yet, when you ask people considering adopting Linux on the desktop
what apps they miss most, they say "Photoshop", "Illustrator", "Visio".

> <thought provoking>
> have you thought of inviting the Adobe's of this world to LGM? or even
> to sponsor LGM?
> </thought provoking>

At its inception, Libre Graphics Meeting is about showcasing free
software graphics applications, and enabling free software graphics
developers to meet and exchange ideas. Personally, I would invite Adobe
if they started releasing some of their graphics applications as free

Dave Neary
dneary at free.fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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