[CREATE] Categorizing resources

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Thu Sep 4 09:47:30 PDT 2008

On Wednesday 03 September 2008, Aurimas Juška wrote:

> The task of organizing resources seems to be very similar to what has
> already been in implemented in Gimp recently (GSoC project "Tagging of
> Gimp Resources"). As it was mentioned, there are various ways to
> organize resources, such as folders. Tags have been chosen in Gimp as
> they allow to assign each item to multiple categories and are easily
> understood by users.

Doesn't this concentrate on the user side of things? It seems to allow users 
to organize their resources in the same way they can organize pictures in 
applications like digikam. What I had in mind was more like allowing providers 
of, say, brush sets, to deliver a coherent set of resources that the user 
would see as one thing. Unless, of course, there is provision to invisibly 
import a set of tags at the same time as loading a new set of resources.

(I haven't had a chance to look at your code yet, hopefully I will manage to 
do that tonight.)

Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.valdyas.org

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