[CREATE] Categorizing resources

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Thu Sep 4 23:12:48 PDT 2008

On Thursday 04 September 2008, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Doesn't this concentrate on the user side of things? It seems to allow
> > users to organize their resources in the same way they can organize
> > pictures in applications like digikam.
> Ummm... is concentrating on the user a bad thing? ;)

No, but it this case my issue was with presenting the user a set of categories
I (or resource set providers) have predetermined. But Sven's answer helped me 
out with that, and I've checked out the gimp source & see how hard it can be 
to implement something compatible for Krita.

Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.valdyas.org

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