[CREATE] Bad news from Amsterdam

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Tue Sep 30 10:36:10 PDT 2008

2008/9/30 Hubert Figuiere <hub at figuiere.net>:
> In case people have forgotten, GUADEC and akademy are jointly hosted in
> the same location in 2009. Maybe it could be smart to do LGM there too,
> within the same timeframe. That way people can "group".
> Just an idea, I'm not an organizer of the conference.

This is set to be in Gran Canaria, Spain.

I think this may not be a good idea though, because it either means
missing out on GUADEC/aKademy events, either because they are
concurrent or because people will not be able to stay a long time in
Spain to attend both, or LGM losing ts distinct identity by being
woven into the schedule of the other.

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