[CREATE] Website 2010?

Dave Neary dneary at free.fr
Tue Dec 1 02:07:33 PST 2009


Jon Phillips wrote:
> btw, you guys know there is already an opensource package for handling
> conferences, right?
> http://pentabarf.org/Main_Page

There are several - mentioned in the "Tools" section of the minutes of
the last FLOSS Foundations meeting: http://flossfoundations.org/oscon-2009
> Conference management
>     * SCALE Reg - SCALE's free software registration app
>     * Utah Open Source Conference has one too
>     * Pentabarf
>     * Conference module for Drupal (pain in the ass for multi-year conferences)
>     * Don't use WebERP. Someone recommended against it
>     * OS Bridge used Open Conferenceware
>     * OSCON = Expectnation, Edd still gives free licences for non-profit run
>       conferences
>     * Badge scanners - sponsors like 'em. Cheap systems possible (ref. SCALE) 


Dave Neary
dneary at free.fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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