[CREATE] KOffice profiles license

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Fri Jan 23 07:51:15 PST 2009

[why did thunderbird reply to dave and not to the list? ... mystère...]


>> Same as Pantone, a name equals a mixture of ingredients.  Just because
>> you know how to make my grandmother's cookies doesn't mean that her
>> recipe has no copyright.
> Not that I want to diss your granny's cookies...


"Mere listings of ingredients as in recipes, formulas, compounds, or 
prescriptions are not subject to copyright protection. However, when a 
recipe or formula is accompanied by substantial literary expression in 
the form of an explanation or directions, or when there is a combination 
of recipes, as in a cookbook, there may be a basis for copyright 

so: recipes are not copyrighted. you can't just copy them, though, you 
have to describe them ex-novo.

> So if this were your granny's cookies, we'd be fine as long as we didn't
> call them whatever she called them :)

imho, as long as she used a descriptive name and not a creative one, the 
name is not protected either (so you can do your "chicken with 
strawberry yogurt" even if your greatest ennemy's mother named it like 
this before. but you can't copy her "chicken astambramticketicketam" 
recipe's name, since it's a highly creative one; but you can publish the 
same recipe).

so, the pantone colors are probably not protected: what you are not 
allow to do is, take the book and photocopy it.
(they can't be trademarked as the name is not creative and the colors 
definition is just a set of numbers: you will have to call them "134 U", 
not "Pantone 134 U" since the word Pantone(tm) is trademarked.)

on the other side, it's probably not worth the effort to fight them in 
court, that's why actually nobody tries to blatantly include pantone 
colors in their project.

and remember: ANAL; so take it with a grain of salt.


p.s.: if somebody is in switzerland, this evening we're proposing an 
interesting conference about creative commons licenses:


p.p.s.: it's in english.

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