[CREATE] Venue LGM 2010!

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Sun Jul 19 10:16:24 PDT 2009

snelting at collectifs.net wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean by insiders and outsiders here ;-)

most people I meet don't see why they sould care about the difference 
between free beer and free speech. they are happy to get drunk on free 
beer, even if it impairs their driving. they end up driving in the wrong 
direction and then they are surprised (and already captive) when they 
bump on Orwellian things like 

>> IMO it should fit on a single A4/Letter sheet when using Bitstream Vera
>> Sans 12, and it should be understandable to non-geeks.
> To draw in typographers we might need quite another text and something
> else than Bitstream Vera ;-)

no need to draw in typographers - this is just a way to define the 
quantity limit. could fit double quantity with half-size font :-)

> Let me know when we're at a final version and I will re-re-sync Dutch and
> French a.s.a.p.!

has it gone out yet or not? I don't want to waste time editing a wiki 
page that is outdated, but will have time later tonight. Can do English, 
French, Italian, German texts, although they will all need some revision 
as my syntax and style are a bit lax.


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