[CREATE] LGM 2010: sponsoring

Dave Neary dneary at free.fr
Wed Nov 4 07:11:20 PST 2009


Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 November 2009, Dave Neary wrote:
>> * KO GmbH (developers of OpenOffice, including Krita)
> Er... KOffice, 

Yes, of course, sorry for the slip of the tongue

> and though I personally am the maintainer of Krita, that's 
> outside KO GmbH. I am also afraid I have to warn that any sponsorship from us 
> is very unlikely. There simply isn't any money for that kind of thing yet.

Any amount counts - and there is a lot of work which gets done during
the conference which will benefit Krita and KOffice. Since it's close to
you, perhaps you might be able to commit to bringing some Krita
developers to Amsterdam as a sponsorship package? "Sponsor a plane
ticket" is one way I framed sponsorship the first year, and people were
really happy to know that they were bringing people to a conference
rather than paying for a junket.

In fact, IIRC, we had framed sponsorship packages in exactly that way -
Silver sponsorship was "Sponsor 2 European hackers or 1 American
hacker", and Cornerstone was "Sponsor 20 European hackers, 10 American
hackers or 5 Asian hackers" or something like that.


Dave Neary
dneary at free.fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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