[CREATE] synfig 0.62 is out

Carlos López González genetita at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 12:53:16 PDT 2009

> AP> Heya,
> AP> Talking of file formats support... New stable version of Synfig, the
> AP> 2D vector graphics animation editor, is out and features basic SVG 1.0
> AP> import. If you want to test it with Inkscape files, please save to
> AP> Plain SVG :)
> Interesting. There is a big need for an animation studio that generates SVG.
> It seems though that SVG import is either as a raster file (converted to PNG) or by an xslt to convert SVG to synfig xml format
> http://synfig.org/Svg2synfig

Not really. Latest version (0.62.00, released October 12th, 2009) has
a built in module that directly opens a SVG file from Synfig.
It has some limitations and some imported objects needs retouching
after import, but it is a great step IMHO.
And as mentioned by Alexandre, the best way to ensure compatibility is
open the file in Inkscape and save it as Plain SVG before import.

> similarly output is either to raster formats, or there is another xslt to convert synfig to SVG
> http://synfig.org/Sif2svg
> The converter seems to have an animated svg example
> http://synfig.org/Sif2svg
> which is hopeful. However, some conversions are a bit basic:
> http://www.linkmauve.fr/dev/synfig/sif2svg/official/installer-logo.xhtml
> I see svg listed under both import and export in the roadmap, so look forward to seeing this project progress.
> http://synfig.org/Software_roadmap

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