[CREATE] [LGF-LGA] Ok, let's start with a website

jon at rejon.org jon at rejon.org
Sun Aug 8 02:28:54 PDT 2010

On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 1:01 AM, a.l.e <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch> wrote:
> hi,
>> Hi, I'm going to bring this up one last time. We have
>> http://create.freedesktop.org, http://libregraphicsmeeting.org,
>> http://libregraphicsworld.org, and http://libregraphicsday.org.
>> Do we really need another website? Do we really have enough people to
>> hack on this, keep it afloat and more? Also, while Libre Graphics
>> Meeting has been a success, I still feel that the concept of graphics
>> is too narrow for a larger organization. We should look to support the
>> spectrum of free and open source source creative applications,
>> including sound programs, video programs (which are totally weak IMO
>> right now), and many other not-purely graphics applications.
>> Thoughts?
> just one: let's have create.freedosktop.org die of a painful death.
> then we have a slot free for libre-graphics.org

> some more thoughts:
> once libre-graphics.org is up and working i would suggest to move lgm and lgd to l-g/m and l-g/d respectively.
> lgw has its own life and is the only site which currently works (lgm partially works and create does only some small internal work).

While I find your comments quite disrespectful to those who have
contributed to the Create Project, myself included, I do find the
appeal of consolidating projects very important. Are you going to do
the work on this?


Jon Phillips
http://rejon.status.net + skype: kidproto
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