[CREATE] Focus

Jon Nordby jononor at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 12:37:11 PDT 2010

On 28 August 2010 06:53, Yuval Levy <create07 at sfina.com> wrote:
> Maybe we need a better way to communicate *interoperability* and *consistency*
> which is what the slick "suite" is all about.  How about a "create" badge on
> each project website that adheres to interoperability standards? linking to a
> single page in the create wiki that describes this interoperability and its
> benefits for the users?
I think this is an excellent idea. I would add such a badge to the
MyPaint website. There should probably also be badges for more
specific things like OpenRaster.

> A website can be everything and nothing to everybody and nobody.  I believe to
> be successful it must have a focus.  The magazine manifesto recently published
> by ginger coons on this list is a beautiful example of expression of such
> focus.  Where is that for the LG website?

A minimally useful LG website, as I see it, would answer the following
What is "Libre Graphics" (definition)?
What kind of projects, people, events, values are related to this
term? What do the projects/people/events have in common, how are they
different? What are they about (very brief/high level info)? Where do
I find more information about them? (link to individual websites)

Each member project could then promote that they are a "Libre
Graphics" project, and refer to the LG website. This way, the member
projects can communicate that they are part of a bigger thing, and
users of one project can easily find related projects by going to the
LG website, get an overview and then go along to other interesting
projects websites.

Regards Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

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