[CREATE] Focus:

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Sun Aug 29 13:42:12 PDT 2010

ciao yuval,

> a - the general public
> b - graphics enthusiasts and professionals
> c - users of PG (proprietary graphics software) who do not know about
> LG
> d - users of LG who do not know about PG
> e - users of LG who refuse to use PG
> f - users of PG who refuse to use LG
> g - users of LG + PG
> h - enthusiasts and professionals who do not yet use any graphics
> software (e.g. newbies)

thank you very much for your very interesting contribution.

personally, i'm really missing a website which talks to b (graphics
enthusiasts and professionals) and c (users of PG who do not know
about LG) and to

i - users of PG who have heard about LG
j - users of PG who have already been using LG without knowing it and
now want to check what else can the LG offer

i welcome the idea of a badge on each LG site, but i don't think that a
wiki page as its target is a good idea.

i'm not aware of an existing website targeting those users.

regarding the magazine, i would welcome a focus on a category which is
still small and which i don't see in your list either:

k - professional users of LG

the goal of that magazine would be:
- to develop a sense of "affiliation" among k-users
- create a collection of showcases for b, c, i and j users  
- show to the developers how k-users are actually (ab)using the
  software they create.
- give a platform to the LG developer to show off the specificity of
  their software.

in that sense, b, c, i and j users would be an indirect target of the

since the number of professional users of LG is still small, getting
the actual professional users directly involved in the creation of the
magazine may help getting to an outstanding result in regards to
the form and the content, and may help to spread the magazine's fame.
(and this is was the idea behind asking ricardo to create a magazine
at this year's LGM!)

a fix team would build crews which create single issues of the
magazine, pull together most of the content and produce the issues
for which no crew has been found.

finally, a word on mentioning the PG software. i basically would avoid
to mention them, not because i don't want to give them a platform or
because i want to boycott them. i simply prefer to focus on
the quality of our software and not keep on presenting us as cheap copy
of what people think are professional tools.
let's outsource to wikipedia the feature by feature comparisons!

there are many different ideas floating around... i wonder what
can be realized...


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