[CREATE] Dec Reimbursement Inquery
Louis Desjardins
louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 12:01:13 PST 2010
2010/12/13 jon at rejon.org <jon at rejon.org>
> We have to prevent this delay for the next LGM. First solve last ones, then
> we have to solve this for the coming LGM.
For LGM we do have an online form on the website where people can upload
their receipts and put their bank and personal informations, including their
preferred method for reimbursement.
This will be used again in 2011 with the firm goal of completing all the
reimbursements within a month after LGM is over and hopefully even sooner.
As I see it now in the cases we have here is not only do we miss the
receipts or somehow the complete information but also we must say without
any intention of hurting anyone that the responsiveness from the accounting
dept. could be improved. :) Timely feedback cannot hurt.
If only to confirm that the info has reached the right people and is
complete. I mean, we (the organisers) provide all the info we have but there
can always some details where we miss something and if we don’t get timely
feedback, then the issue grows like a snowball... people get frustrated and
we end-up loosing confidence at the organisation as a whole, including GNOME
and LGM. Bad.
Emails are great but in this particular and sensible case where money is
involved and people waiting for it we need the three-way handshake: I send
you an email, you send me a confirmation that you got it and I send you a
confirmation that I know you got it.
> Jon
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:27 AM, barry threw <barry.threw at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thanks for the update. Sorry it is so problematic.
>> bt
>> On 12/12/10 12:10 AM, Femke Snelting wrote:
>>> On 12/12/2010 08:35 AM, Andy Fitzsimon wrote:
>>>> seconded,
>>>> geeks have gotta book their tickets for next lgm and a double deficits
>>>> sucks. Is the gnome-foundation still dragging their feet? I'm sure there
>>>> are people who would appreciate an update even if its bad news.
>>>> maybe for next year we should flatly not offer reimbursements or award
>>>> them case-by-case as sponsorship comes in to the bank.
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM, barry threw <barry.threw at gmail.com<mailto:
>>>> barry.threw at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> It's that time again.
>>>> Any word on the reimbursements for LGM.
>>> Dear All,
>>> Sorry for late response.
>>> No need to convince any of us: it is completely normal that you should be
>>> reimbursed promptly. The problem is apparently on my side (it looks like I
>>> have made a mistake) so bad news is on me, not on Gnome. Many apologies for
>>> having this not over more soon.
>>> Femke
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Louis Desjardins
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