[CREATE] MagicLantern a open/free firmware

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri Jan 8 04:43:11 PST 2010

Hello all,

with the newer Canon DSLRs comes full HDTV resolution movie clips in the 
reach of many filmmakers. Among them are students, professionalists and 
Canon originally viewed the movie feature for the new DSLRs merely as a 
feature for reporters. They did not expect the big interesst from film 
makers, which requires much finer control during recording.
Given the new hardware possibilities and the wonderful efford of firmware 
hackers around the Magic Lantern project[1], the new devices could already 
be utilised way beyon of what Canon intented to do. Maybe Canon updated 
its firmware in respond to that user side effort and provides now
some of the user introduced software controls and announced some more.
I wonder if a project like Magic Lantern might have a overall similiar 
impact on film making as DCraw had and has for digital still.

There are shurely many interessting toppics to discuss with Trammell 
Hudson the main author of the MagicLantern firmware addon. It is great 
that he picked up this early camera model(s) and worked on its adaption 
while releasing the full source code under a OSI license (GPL).

Would there be interesst and the money to invite him to LGM?

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

[1] http://magiclantern.wikia.com

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