[CREATE] SwatchBooker 0.5

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu Jan 21 08:13:52 PST 2010

On Thursday 21 January 2010, Olivier BERTEN wrote:
> There's a mix of different reasons, the least not being my lack of
> knowledge of XML and programming skills...
> I first went from <RGB r="1" g="1" b="1"> to <RGB values="1 1 1"> simply
> because it was easier to deal with different color models the same way
> (you were talking about laziness ;-) )
Well, I don't know if I am spoiled by the framework I use for xml, but for me 
accessing an attribute of an element is as simple as "red = 
element.attribute("r",0.0).toDouble()" :) The two reasons we went for that 
form is that in "1 1 1" the order of channels is not specified, and it is also 
not possible to validate it with a schema (there have been changed on XML 
schemas to also validate data, but I don't know if it would work in that 

> For the rest (metadata, swatch organization) wich aren't in the create
> draft, I made some choices but I'm already reconsidering most of them...

What are the choice ? I think we would aim to use things like RDF/XMP, but 
neither of them are "simples", so I don't know if we should not also have a 
simple metadata spec that we can reuse (something based on dublin core, 

Cyrille Berger

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