[CREATE] [LGF] Get a status : association, foundation ...

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Thu Jun 3 10:48:25 PDT 2010

On 3 June 2010 19:12, Camille Bissuel <cbissuel at yagraph.org> wrote:
> You seem to know the subject... Can you be a little more explicit, in which
> organization is doing what ?
> I don't really get the difference between SFLC, SFI, SFC... it's seems all
> the same... Can you say us which one can we use for what ?


The Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) is a non-profit lawyer shop in
New York City. It was started 5 years ago by Eben Moglen, the FSF's
longtime lawyer. They represent _big_ free software projects directly,
like BusyBox and the GNU project, which have their own legal entities.
This gives independence but costs time and money.

SFLC isn't relevant to the LGA because LGA is too small.


SFLC set up another organisation, The Software Freedom Conservancy
(SFC) in 2006. The SFLC and SFC are legally separate organisations,
but the same people run them both.

SFC is a non-profit "holdings group" for _small_ free software
projects that are too small for setting up their own legal entities.
Inkscape, for example. It means a group can take donations and spend
them with no administrative overhead costs, and small projects don't
need the independence possible with their own legal entity. Its based
in the USA.


Software in the Public Interest (SPI) was set up in 1997 to fund
Debian and other free software projects. It works very similarly to
the SFC. Its based in the USA but has partner organisations across the
world, making donations from outside the USA possible without PayPal
or Google CheckOut - www.spi-inc.org/donations#money


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