[CREATE] Free as in Speech, and Vietnam?

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Tue Jun 8 02:39:23 PDT 2010

I don't want to be a killjoy, but doesn't the Human Rights situation
in Vietnam leave much to be desired? Do we care? Should we care? (For
some value of "we".)

If visiting the US is a problem for political/privacy/whatever reasons
to some people in the community, would the same people have a problem
visiting Vietnam?

I know I wouldn't feel comfortable in a conference about one kind of
freedom (the free software kind) that would (presumably) be sponsored
by a government that is not that interested in more basic and
universal kinds of freedom.

But I am not really an expert... and I might be convinced that gaining
more information about one kind of freedom will eventually help
improving other freedoms, too, in a country.


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