[CREATE] Free as in Speech, and Vietnam?

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Wed Jun 9 18:15:57 PDT 2010

On 06/09/2010 05:19 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
 > On 6/10/10, a.l.e wrote:
 >> just reread what louis wrote and you will realize that i (and other 
 >> simply don't want one of our developers -- who is acting in 
conformance to
 >> the copyrights laws in his/her country -- getting into trouble just 
 >> the US of America has other rules on that matter.
 > Note how after saying that back in 2007 I stepped on my own toes three
 > years later by getting myself involved into reverse engineering :) So
 > take it with a grain of salt.
 > If we start considering what countries are less evil with regards to
 > human rights, copyright law and so on, we might as well lock ourselves
 > in a closet and never go out to see the light of day. So may I humbly
 > (yeah, right :)) suggest to step over the whole human rights thing and
 > accept probability of any free software developer being dragged
 > kicking and screaming to a local Vietnamese prison as zeroish?

I don't see all this freedom business as being problems of substance 
regarding the meeting site, but it would take some work to make sure 
everyone understands the need for visas.

Here are some generic concerns (in the form of questions I don't have 
definitive answers for) about the choice of a site for LGM, though not 
specific to Viet Nam:

How should it be decided about where LGMs should happen? Should there 
already be some presence of project involvement in the area, or is there 
some thinking that LGM might some how jump start some intense interest 
all by itself?

Should language barriers be considered? In other words, can we expect 
involvement with projects when we are unsure whether suitable 
communication can occur?

How will the success of such a meeting be decided? Local attendance? 
Worldwide attendance? A combination? Is it Ok if hardly anyone goes, but 
a lot watch on the web? Maybe LGM should just be a webinar...


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