[CREATE] Free as in Speech, and Vietnam?

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Mon Jun 14 09:17:43 PDT 2010

Dear Hong Phuc,

Thank you very much for your proposal to host LGM in Vietnam. Your proposal on the wiki looks considered and well thought through. I hope you are able to see this thread as a -- maybe clumsy -- attempt to relate to a country none of us actually knows much about.

As you kindly reminded us: you are cordially inviting us as a Vietnamese citizen writing from Vietnam. As a community, we need to trust our host to help understand the challenges we might face in taking this offer. We should definetely discuss the pros- and cons of having LGM 2011 in Vietnam, but let's look for a constructive discussion in relation to things we know about: what the meeting needs to be.



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