[CREATE] Free as in Speech, and Vietnam?

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Tue Jun 15 15:42:52 PDT 2010

> Liberation and Freedom - these words were/are used
> by the Japanese, French, Americans ... justifying invasions and war
> and most Asian countries have experienced this.

But if one avoids vague generic terms like "Freedom" or loaded words
like "Liberation", what about specific concepts like freedom of the
press, freedom to criticize your government and advocating its
*peaceful* change, freedom to form independent labour unions, freely
elected parliaments; Are such freedoms also just cultural imperialism
in your opinion?

> Before Vietnam joined the WTO, the US demanded a
> stricter implementation of copyright policies.

So to the "pirate" crowd, Vietnam is as evil as the US then?

> Nevertheless copyright and patents restriction are usually unknown

And, presumably, also the terms of FOSS licenses are usually then ignored, too?


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