[CREATE] pledgie

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Sun May 2 04:47:41 PDT 2010

Yup, Kaveh will do this :)

On 2 May 2010, 10:11 AM, "Dave Crossland" <dave at lab6.com> wrote:


On 2 May 2010 09:30, Alexandre Prokoudine

<alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com> wrote: > I tend to agree. If we get as many
attendees of artistic p...
Right, and as Kaveh will record the whole thing and publish it on
river-valley.tv, perhaps he can place a pledgie link under video on
his pages (and on the live video streaming page) so that people who
watch the talks online during/after the conference might also

Kaveh, what do you think? :-)

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