[CREATE] Libre Graphics Whatever - charter prototype

Andreas Vox avox at arcor.de
Sat May 29 09:27:23 PDT 2010


After the discussion we had today at LGM about creating an Libre  
Graphics Foundation or similar, I'd like to make a proposal for the  
charter. I've concentrated on aims and membership, not procedures. As  
an umbrella organization, it should concentrate on connecting people  
and organizing partnerships between its members. The member  
organizations would actually carry out the projects. This would also  
keep costs and membership fees to a minimum.

Ok, I'm expecting comments!


0 Libre Graphics

Libre Graphics is a term that describes the idea that people use floss  
tools to create and distribute free content. (needs expanding)

1 Name
The name of the organization is Libre Graphics Network (TBD)

2 Aim
The aim of the organization is to connect people in the Libre Graphics  
world. Members have been organizing the Libre Graphics Meeting for the  
last five years. The organization will carry the spirit of the LGM to  
an organizational level by providing a central point of contact for  
developers, artists and donators. It will do so in
- organizing Libre Graphics meetings
- providing a website that links to all Endorsed Projects and promotes  
the idea of Libre Graphics
- uses and protects the terms "Libre Graphics" and "Libre Graphics  
Meeting" as a trademark.
- brings together developers with potential donators/funders
- provides certificates for teachers and students of Libre Graphics  
software (needs clarification)
- provides a marketplace for artists and teachers of Libre Graphics
- furthers communications between users and developers of Libre  
Graphics software

3 Membership
Members can be any person or organization. Each member has one vote.
Decisions need 3/4 of the votes, elections to the board need 1/2 of  
the votes. (TBD)

4 Endorsed Projects
Projects in the spirit of Libre Graphics can become an Endorsed  
Project. Endorsed Projects are listed on the organization's website,  
are promoted by the organization and can receive funding from the  
organization. Endorsed Projects are encouraged to become members, also.

5 Funding
Membership fees are supposed to cover only the administrative costs of  
the organizations. Membership fees are not forwarded to Endorsed  
Projects or members or any other organization.
The organization also collects donations and sponsorships. These are  
used conforming to the specification of the sponsor/donator.  
Unspecified donations can be used for administrative costs, forwarded  
to Endorsed Projects or to achieve any of the goals of the organization.

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