[CREATE] Art & Montréal (was Re: LGM 2011 - Montreal - May 10-11-12-13)
jon at rejon.org
jon at rejon.org
Thu Sep 9 08:00:45 PDT 2010
Yah those guys are my friends. I invited last year...should try again this
On Sep 9, 2010 2:58 AM, "ricardo lafuente" <bollecs at sollec.org> wrote:
> On 09/07/2010 11:41 PM, Schrijver wrote:
>> As a connection point, Libre graphics does not only have a relation to
the traditional graphic processes but also I think to developments like
generative design and software art. You can see this in projects like
Shoebot and Nodebox but for example also the ‘processing’ language
http://processing.org/ —that’s an important software tool in this respect
and its a free and open source project. Actually maybe we could invite
someone from their team?
>> This generative approach is gaining some steam,
>> For example,
>> http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/
>> This book was the top selling book on the German Amazon,
>> there will be an English version too.
>> And a new text-book on software in art and design was just released by
Princeton Architectural Press which is meant for art education:
>> http://formandcode.com/
> I strongly back this suggestion.
> Processing is a tool that has been gaining a *lot* of ground inside of
> art circles, as a means to introduce coding to artists and designers,
> and it's been around for quite a while. My interest in coding came about
> the day a forward-thinking teacher taught the basics of Processing to
> our design class, around 6 years ago.
> It also has a sizable community which, in my view, is somewhat
> disconnected from the free software ecosystem as a whole. You often see
> installations and projects running Processing inside a proprietary
> software stack -- which is a good thing, seeing the proprietary crowd
> adopting a FLOSS tool. This also happens in the audio scene with
> software like Pure Data or SuperCollider, which are widely used by
> 'traditional' professionals not because they're FLOSS, but because
> they're really good tools.
> So this is a very good opportunity to try and tie those ends together,
> making bridges to bring Processing closer to the Libre Graphics
> community, as well as the other way around -- i've met quite a lot of
> Libre Graphics people who sadly had never heard of it.
> I believe it's worth making an approach to the Processing team to see if
> they would be present at the LGM; it's IMO one of the next logical steps
> to strengthen the Libre Graphics community.
> And there are a few somewhat-related projects that might warrant a
> closer look, and which might be a great fit to the Libre Graphics posse:
> - OpenFrameworks : http://openframeworks.cc/
> - Love : http://love2d.org/
> - PyGame : http://pygame.org (i remember Joao S.O. Bueno doing beautiful
> things with this at LGM 2010)
> - Pure Data : http://puredata.info
> :r
>> Op 7 sep 2010, om 21:12 heeft Louis Desjardins het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi all !
>>> The 6th edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting will take place in
Montreal on May 10-13, 2011.
>>> More to come soon. Please stay tuned!
>>> Cheers!
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