[CREATE] Translation of LG magazine and other simple ways to get involved in design with free software

Schrijver eric at authoritism.net
Thu Sep 9 17:35:39 PDT 2010


floss in education ftw :)

What you describe sounds like flossmanuals, thanks to Alexandre I know now this resource exists:


Some of it already translated to Spanish
and you can indeed help out with the translation

this could be very nice course material:

And uhm if they are design students contributing,
wouldn’t it make sense for them to design?

lists a whole list of packages that need logos
examining the existing ones is an interesting exercise in visual anthropology its own right

Actually I said at LGM that I would like to help make a platform for developers to meet designers but you know how that goes—time etc. :)

But if anyone has good links to sites or forums where people request design assistance?
I remember I’ve seen something like this on the site of a French linux group

good luck with your preparations!


Op 10 sep 2010, om 01:54 heeft Lila Pagola het volgende geschreven:

> Hi everybody,
> In the next days, I'm going to do some short talks about free software
> for design, including my experience at the great LGM 2010 at Brussels.
> As talks would take place in both schools where I teach, I would like
> to set some simple ways to contribute for my students.
> One I could imagine right now is invite them to get involved in the
> translation of some material, such us FLoss Manuals, but also the LG
> magazine. Language is a kind of effective barrier for participating
> for design students here...
> I think a wiki could be an easy and quick way to create an environment
> for collaborative translation, open not just to my students, but also
> to anybody and any language.
> I was wondering if it's possible to use the create wiki for this?
> Talks are next week, so I hope is something simple to set in a few days.
> Help or suggestions are welcome!
> best,
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