[CREATE] Artists needed: ad designs for LGM pledgie fundraiser

celine celines celinecelines at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 11:18:14 PDT 2011


Please find the banners attached. Let me know what you think, or if you need


On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:17 PM, celine celines <celinecelines at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ok so I have played around the first banner for LinuxPro 468x60
> Please tell me if that could work. The DONATE is a link to Pledgie
> Thanks,
> Celine
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Nathan Willis <nwillis at glyphography.com>wrote:
>> Hi all.  We're in need of some artwork to run pointing folks towards the
>> LGM Pledgie campaign site.  We have media sponsors lined up that will
>> give us free impressions, we just need "the creative."
>> The specs so far include:
>> LinuxPro: Banner 468 x 60
>> LinuxPro: Skyscraper 160 x 600
>> --
>> LinuxJournal: Banner 728x90
>> --
>> Text ads for LWN:
>> Title field: 48 characters
>> Body field: 120 characters
>> In all three, we can link to an URL (which in the text ad does not count
>> against our character limit); we'll use the Pledgie URL.
>> There are more to come, but we need something for these ASAP.  Best idea
>> is to coordinate, so that we use the same design motifs for all three --
>> makes for a more unified campaign blitz and makes it easier to adapt the
>> artwork to varying sizes rather than start from scratch.  Obviously on
>> the text ad, we'd want to use the same message.
>> Please submit a design (or three!) to the issue tracker at
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/create-project/+bug/744413
>> Comment #5 (
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/create-project/+bug/744413/comments/5 ) lists
>> the specs again for reference.
>> Things to keep in mind: these media sponsors are (so far) all Linux /
>> FLOSS sites; the know the projects and so do the readers.  They may,
>> however, be more receptive to the campaign if we focus on the fact that
>> all funds go towards developer travel, and that the event is a
>> collaborative effort.  But don't camp out on that; any and all ideas are
>> welcome.
>> We'd like to launch the campaigns by Friday, so please submit art work
>> between now and Thursday.
>> Thanks!
>> Nate
>> --
>> nathan.p.willis
>> nwillis at glyphography.com
>> aim/ym/gtalk:n8willis
>> identi.ca/n8
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> --
> Celinecelines
> http://celinecelin.es

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