[CREATE] "Reclaim your tools". A film by Jakub Szypulka

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Sat Jan 8 16:56:07 PST 2011

On January 8, 2011 04:06:07 pm Jakub Szypulka wrote:
> Here is the link: http://vimeo.com/18568225

beautiful, thanks for sharing.

> HUNDRED PERCENT using opensource software! (minus camera firmware I
> suppose, haha)

what camera did you film it with / what format?  and what software did you use 
to edit it?  I am still stuck with SONY Vegas for my AVCHD videos, and must 
reboot into Windows to use it.  Except for the times when I don't edit at all 
and I just transcode with ffmpeg.  So I don't edit as much as I would like to 
(although:  maybe that's just an excuse because I have no time to edit).

> more than happy to have a short talk about the film at the next LGM. I
> would present my workflow as well as point out areas where improvement

Please do so!

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