[CREATE] "Reclaim your tools". A film by Jakub Szypulka

helen varley jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Sat Jan 15 05:49:36 PST 2011

hi femke,
your efforts in this area really made a difference, & certainly helped 
me to attend the LGM.

the question of visibility brings us back to what initiated this 
discussion - & this discussion itself is helping to increase visibility, 
as are the initiatives that you link to & the deliberate steps that were 
taken to include women in 2010. a certain amount of "brute force" does 
have its uses.

h : )
> This change did not happen automatically. For Brussels 2010 we worked 
> with gnome-women, debian-women, LinuxChix and other activist groups to 
> locate and invite women involved in Libre Graphics. We wrote e-mails 
> to women we knew were active in LG, but never had considered 
> participating. We specifically targeted support to women speakers 
> through funding and lodging. Also the grant from the OIF helped widen 
> the scope of participants. We made sure that volunteer-teams were 
> mixed and replacing T-shirts by aprons was not an accident either.
>>> g) +1 on Prokoudine's point. Maybe looking at the ratio is a bit of a
>>> brute force type of tactic which really doesn't necessarily take into
>>> account the actual impact of women in the event and the community.
> This might be true, but than the question is: How do we make sure that 
> their impact is equally visible?
> Femke
> - Free Software Foundation, recommendations from the womens caucus: 
> http://www.fsf.org/news/recommendations-from-the-womens-caucus
> - Kirrily Robbins, Standing Out in the Crowd: 
> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2009/public/schedule/detail/10173
> - Python foundation diversity statement: 
> http://www.python.org/community/diversity
> - Gnome Outreach Program for Women: 
> http://projects.gnome.org/outreach/women
> - Debian Women Mentoring Program: http://women.debian.org/mentoring
> - FLOSSPOLS (EU study about the societal impact of F/LOSS. A few years 
> old, but still relevant) D17 - Gender: Policy Recommendations 
> http://flosspols.org/deliverables/FLOSSPOLS-D17-Gender_Policy_Recommendations.pdf
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helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst
helen at creative-catalyst.com

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