[CREATE] LGM in Vienna - Location acknowleged
Louis Desjardins
louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 19:36:31 PDT 2011
2011/10/12 ale rimoldi <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>
> hi
> > You shouldn't touch the 2011 page but create new one
> >
> > http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/
> >
> > and add link on home page to it.
> fully agree...
Agree too.
> we can restore the 2011 page as it was, as soon as the 2012 page is
> ready...
> the problem is that all the interesting stuff is on 2011/ but we want
> the people to know that there will be an LGM 2012...
It's ok. People are not buying their tickets yet ! We can have the website
mostly done in the coming days and enhanced over the coming months.
> and as i wrote: if somebody can make better, do it!
I will have time during the week-end to put the hands into this but I need
first that we get the underlying work done, that is, the 2012 home page set.
I have asked Peter Linnell to do that for us. Hopefully he has time to do
this pretty soon.
If you restore 2011 as it was, I believe that all we need for the moment is
a short header telling the venue and the dates in the top story on the home
page. People hitting lgm website will understand. As it is now, it's a bit
strange especially because the dates are also at the beginning of May and
then all the links are there. For old timers, it's obvious. For new comers,
it might just be a bit confusing.
However I fully agree that we must act now.
Would you be able to revert to what it was? Let me know when done and I will
put the top story accordingly.
> ciao
> a.l.e
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