[CREATE] Linear light workflow

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Tue Apr 3 23:35:21 PDT 2012

Am 02.04.12, 23:12 +0200 schrieb Chris Lilley:
> On Thursday, March 29, 2012, 9:46:16 AM, Kai-Uwe wrote:
> KUB> Chris Lilley <chris at w3.org> schrieb:
>>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 6:08:36 PM, Boudewijn wrote:
>>> BR> Wouldn't it be easier to just define the working space with a
>>> BR> profile in openraster, and take it from there?
>>> That would be simpler, and more flexible - avoids boxing people in to
>>> only sRGB and linear-sRGB.
> KUB> The question is, why does SVG provide only two blending spaces?
> Because the other colour stuff was optional in SVG1.
> SVG2 extends this to add Lab, LCHab, HSL as blending colour spaces.

So SVG is heading more into a multiple blending colour space world.

This means renderers must be prepared to render blending groups offline, 
convert colours and then blend again and so on. This is a different 
situation, than the old style one blending colour space fits a whole 
document approach where a document was always drawn directly into one 
final bitmap.

Are there already implementations out doing this for SVG (sRGB/linear 
RGB)? Is a test SVG file available for this SVG feature?

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann

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