[CREATE] Questions about the Libre Graphics brand

ginger coons ginger at adaptstudio.ca
Wed Apr 11 10:09:13 PDT 2012

> Libre Graphics Magazine was started, AFAIK, in late 2010 by ginger
> coons and Manufactura Independente. I'm not sure I know the exact
> reasoning either. Perhaps the editorial staff will explain that.

Libre Graphics magazine (officially just Libre Graphics, thanks to a
misunderstanding when we applied for our ISSN) did start in 2010, at LGM in
Brussels, when Open Source Publishing brought together Ana Carvalho,
Ricardo Lafuente and myself to produce something showing off F/LOSS
graphics work. Officially, the publication we produced at that point
doesn't count as an issue of the magazine, as we didn't have an ISSN at the
time. As with LGWorld, our name is more of a default than a conscious

> All three LG* projects are friends, but, to the best of my knowledge,
> not officially affiliated. At least this is the case for LGW.

As with LGW, LGmag isn't officially affiliated with anything else, although
we do try to work in a spirit of cooperation and mutual advancement.

-ginger "all-lower-case" coons
Member of the Libre Graphics magazine editorial team
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