[CREATE] LGM 2012 Travel Expenses

Joao S. O. Bueno gwidion at mpc.com.br
Fri May 11 05:23:46 PDT 2012

> As Louis has said, we are now after the fact. If its going to change, it should change for the
> following year(s), not the one just past.
But a slution that would reimburse people who needs most the money
would not be "changing the fact" . - The fact that changed is that
this year, LGM< won't be abe to fully reimburse everyone. - Th shad
already changed. What we need to decide now is how to apply this.

If someone had to spend multiple times his monthly income to be there,
and was hoping to get back the tickets cost, I'd say that paying this
person is the only reasonable thing to to.

Again, the "change" is not a "highest priority first". the change has
been "not enough money this year". Putting that in numbers taht could
apply: I surely hope that someone one  more than €3500.00 age will
insist in getting some € 300.00 back, when someone on a € 800.00 wage
won't be able to get back € 1200.00 spent on tickets. If the idea of "
dont chaneg the rules after the event" is keeping fainerness, I think
it is quite clear what would be fair on this case.

(in a separate subject  I am and the other GIMP team people, should be
covered by money donated to the project - we won't be using the money
donated to LGM.)


> Craig
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