[CREATE] LGM 2012 - Reimbursement form online

Konstantin Dmitriev ksee.zelgadis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 02:19:05 PST 2012

> * R E M I N D E R *
> Hi LGMers !
> For those who are entitled to a reimbursement for their travel expenses
> *and who have not yet filed the form*, please go to page:
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/reimbursements/
> You will get a confirmation email once you hit the submit button.
> Deadline for submitting your receipts is *May 31, 2012.*
> IMPORTANT : Please do not file the form if you are already sponsored by
> another organisation or by other means.
> Thanks again for making LGM happen!
> Louis
> ...for the whole LGM team

I wonder, are there any news on reimbursements for LGM 2012? Any
update would be appreciated - it's November already...

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