[CREATE] #codethesquare open call for sketches
Jehan Pagès
jehan.marmottard at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 17:15:33 PDT 2013
I see! Thanks a lot for the update. We will wait a little. :-)
On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Mónica Cachafeiro
<monica at medialab-prado.es> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for the incovenient... we are moving to the new building and the
> servers were out of service.
> We will plug it in as soon as possible,
> Best
> El 05/04/2013 0:37, Jehan Pagès escribió:
>> Hello,
>> very nice project, but today I could not access the website.
>> I have a 503 error: Service Temporarily Unavailable
>> Anyone can connect to the website? Is there a known issue?
>> Thanks.
>> Jehan
>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Monica Cachafeiro
>> <monica at medialab-prado.es> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We want to share with you the project #codethesquare, an open platform to
>>> show Processing.js sketches on the medialab-prado digital facade.
>>> http://programalaplaza.medialab-prado.es/
>>> There is a permanent call already open and we will show the sketches
>>> summited during the Libre Graphics meeting.
>>> On the website you will find some advices to design.
>>> Best
>>> Mónica
>>> --
>>> Mónica Cachafeiro
>>> Medialab Prado
>>> Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
>>> Tlf: 915 177 289, ext. 57289
>>> skype:monica.cachafeiro
>>> http://www.medialab-prado.es
>>> Durante las obras que tienen lugar en MEDIALAB PRADO (Plaza de las
>>> Letras.
>>> Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid) el personal y la actividad se trasladan
>>> temporalmente a Paseo de la Chopera, 14. 28045 Madrid
>>> (Intermediae-Matadero-Madrid).
>>> Go Green, Keep it on the Screen!
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>>> CREATE mailing list
>>> CREATE at lists.freedesktop.org
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> --
> --
> Mónica Cachafeiro
> Medialab-Prado
> Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
> Tlf: 915 177 289, ext. 57289
> skype:monica.cachafeiro
> http://www.medialab-prado.es
> Durante las obras que tienen lugar en la sede de MEDIALAB-PRADO (plaza de
> las Letras 15, 28014, Madrid), el personal y las actividadesse trasladan
> temporalmente a Paseo de la Chopera 14. (Intermediae/ Madtadero Madrid)
> "Go green, keep it on the screen"
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