[CREATE] Titan-pad worskhop LGM
larisa blazic
lab_web at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 16 11:31:48 PDT 2013
Hi all,
Here's the notes we took on the day - names need surely need a second look.
Bestest, lara
network meeting madrid lgm 2013 friday 12th april
lara/femke/dave notes
aymeric is welcoming all and intro: wdka os free culture integration education.
is recognising interesting other intiatives and difficulties of reinventing edu strategies thus creating framework for creating a network and a mini database of who and where that we can use to help each other - introducing the purpose of meeting
a: proposing introduction of all attendees
anna ricardo: introducing her practice, ways to engage students and reflecting on experiences. last year 2012, doing workshops at media lab prado. digitising the typeface of media lab. 3 day ws open to non experts. 25 ppl. 2 groups. 2 typefaces. mentioning difficulties of teaching with floss, versions, installation, compatibility.
ricardo la fuente: lecturer at porto fine arts, python for graphic designers. graphic design tools for graph des students to fuse both adobe and floss. while using logic behind software. no it support, difficulty of teaching late number of students and low number of available support. messy department and hack free culture to curriculum.
eloisa gasrto guerra: floss developer, trainer, graphic designer. working with frederic jamie started in september different courses free software.
lila bagolle, córdoba: prof university, audio-visual design, photography, licenses, public school. issues with floss and proprietary software, new machines arrives, no training, illegal software. it restricting installation - no discussion about floss, transparency of legal issues does not exist. she is part of graphic libre community to gather designers and artist with free software growing community.
enrique sessaro, mexico: wants to be public, street professor, not interested in formal education paulo freire, rethink ideas, academic credentials for found people of excluded and deprived. book as political object, literacy, knowledge. free tools for creating and thinking about new publishing.
interested in anarchic methods of publishing, pamphlets etc. free culture community in mexico exists but needs expanding idea. takes a lot of time and is interested in pedagogy and methods of teaching free culture. to explain common ideas ad share. what is happening with memory mind body and knowledge
larisa blazic, media artist based in london. teaching ba and ma courses
weirdness of UK education going backwards. Coming from diy culture. using that experiencce in teaching. graphic communication. There is probably another course -- new media. structure makes it very complicated to push these ideas. it management and software suppliers. every suggestion to change is futile. i hack into the curriculum, as a lecturer you can slip things… it gives impenetrable firewalls, or to bring in other machines. creating a username is already difficult. using web based projects to avoid this. processing, hotlglue -- do not need installation. bizarre situation; onl
o relies on my own enthusiasm only -- needing a break.
lauren: new to floss 2 years editorial practises. using floss from the beginning. working with students in a school. interested in sharing and teaching floss. good platform for talking about collaborative tool.
femke: floss difficult and great tool to teach. difficult to deal with evaluation at the end you judge individual. experiment with formal validation. part of the problem we are struggling that is based on individual merit. conventions and commercial ties - system is not ready for this kind of stuff.
jose bastil: not a professor, organised couple workshops on web design as fluid and easy. developers culture. people are ready to use new tools. easy to teach people and communicate open culture.
dave cross am: type design lectures at universities, all with free software. working with it department? students do not need lab computers. using floss's been really easy.
girl: formal and informal settings ma student...
manuel: publisher, web designer, publisher, teaching sporadically, using all kinds of software for archiving or for whatever fits the purpose.
julien f: teaching in brussels arts school free software to students it went well with students but bad with colleagues. proposing a course, class orientated with free culture, sharing, floss, - then go as a regular teacher. dissaointed by difficult experiences started monthly workshops on blender and python. when he was a student was quicker than lecturers in integrating new technology where students and teachers teach each other. floss is great way to do it. but it al need be open and
guy with long white beard: for years been thinking about floss/university solution. after interativos, communication discussion. presently retired but was a teacher. ba degree. a lot of freedom, teaching operating systems and networks. access to computers on my terms. when i teach os and networks integrating into historical perspective to get the meaning, and explain why is he pro linux…
loreta, itaian activist woman: teaching technical and theoretical. learning html is easier, proporaitiry software desire to have a work the problem to teach floss, political and economical issues, must be connected in teaching.
robert: designer, using floss, interested in educational part of the story. important to teach , use free software.
lodivin, graphic designer, sop, contradictions of floss, way to rediscover digital, the course is supped to - curious, a challenge, technically - there was no computers, how to manage difference. different domain, discipline - sculpture, design… id. it takes time to switch. they (students) just how told change the way you are working. optional courses. bachelor 1/2/3 it is not pushed, free to do or choose direction, but no support from the institution.
wndy, constant: open hardware wearable electronics, licenses and artistic practice, hacking the school, your system is hostile, often you do not want to preach but you end up preaching. rarely you find a school that is easy. unlike piet wart. constant/longevity.
katrin: project coordinator. ping, main interest informal education invited to make. … the idea was to discuss the idea with other labs.I initiated to project with other who are here. I am happy, the 2 years long project at the normic university, labs sharing knowledge of methods and pedagogy, how they do their daily work and interventions in schools. we discuss a lot the issues and new projects came up like LGM. I feel that there is a huge need to sustain these issues with networks like this one. nodes are the best way to work, to implement these ideas. my interest is how to find and sustain an economy for this network and new approaches. i am convinced there is a lot to do, to invent, its a collaborative area so we can work together. I'm interested in economical issues, we can share output between nodes.
kallan: I'm a student, its cool to be here. I go to school in Brussels, and most digital things are hard to consider. its an art school, design is one department of many. ...
Pierre Huggybart: I teach at La Cambre and ERG in Brussels. ERG School is focused on research, the R in the name is for research. lacambre is more conservative. i asked myself the last 7 years why i give lessons there. every year i say i have to quit but at the end i became a professor and commit to it. i am mr open source in that school. it can be painful, there is a tension, i don't have the skills of programming. i hack indesign lessons for years, i see that when i attempt to go too experimental i get official notice its too experimental. doing grep in indesign is super powerful, and for others to discover, and from there you can explain other things. I am a founder of OSP, alex and pierre marchand from OSP do workshops. i teach graphic design but also print making, and there you expect that the things you do can be done in groups, its better to be in groups. that can be useful. printing is linked for years with different kinds of processes. lacambre
is linked to digital design, and it will be useful for me to refer to a group like that (even more for my director) and I'm jealous of the Piet Zwart wiki.
Elsa Vermeer (?): I co ordinate cross lab, since 18 months I've done research in 'creating …' and in my research I focus on the role of software in art and design education. there is digital media, i want to introduce it in a different way, critically look at the role of tech in society. learn students to work with media in a experimental way, eigenstin (?). art schools are mostly with strict disciplines, product, fashion, graphic design. this is something cross lab tries to change. we are implementing things for all programs, about research in digital media, reflecting on it. that was the prelude to where we are now. the problem with art and design schools is that they have a strange relation with technology, for us we can (like ludic) use draw lab, so students don't just consume media. thats fundamental to attitude changing first before you introduce libre software.
Vienna: I work with Elsa on a big change in our curriculum, new management were happy with something cross platform and new. thats critical to our success at introducing libre graphics to the school. the management like the abstract idea but the reality is difficult so we still have to fight for it.
Elsa: we can introduce different ideas of how to work with digital media from the start of the degree. its important not to focus on tools but attitudes and what you can do with it. in the end, its important what you make with the tools. we introduce digital design, data design. libre philosophy is at the heart of it but its more than that, and it doesnt have to be software or a program that comes out of it.
Stephanie: I'm in OSP, not teaching. I work with Alex. Its frustrating to develop long term input to students with workshops. i wanted to teach for a long time and maybe i will replace ludi at erg. there is a lot of scope for images, vectors, and other projects. designers are afraid of libre graphics, as print designers don't like digital culture. a confrontation with text, as content and as visual. alex lighting talk, we are working on the LGRU reader.
Alex: I am OSP in brussels too. I'm not a teacher but i like to teach. i want to contribute, well, i am at lacambre workshops, i work in the digital art dept. its isolated, you give tech tutorials for others; its isolated from a wider curriculum. there are 2 semesters, 1 web and 1 print. i propose to avoid the divide, its no longer making sense. people said, web is easy to use libre tools. we use indesign, i didn't use it for 4 years. in a way, like my idea to combine web and print, i try to look at things in a transversal way. indesign stylesheet, latex, css, and other tools. it can be a way to infiltrate the proprietary dominance. libre software is useful here because it shows how its made, its a great way to enter an area, if you can see how it works. you can work with things in the future too, libre software are transitional objects.
Nicolas: I am OSP too. I teach, i work, i teach again. i taught at a technical school with a graphic design fourse. we tried to experiment with free software but didn't go. in erg we did get it there, it seemed like a big victory. but then, there were mixed feelings, because what happened was that my colleagues who are more boss like, so we put forward the idea of libre software, the tools and so on strongly in mind, you realise that this is the small problem. the big issue is the pedagogy, the dialog with students, i must say that this for me is a revealing experience. i thought yeah, we have this curriculum. i left after 2 years because i wasn't happy with teaching. since then i did some work with schools, one in barcelona, run partially by not just open source gimp or inkscape ut looking at the philosophy, collaboration. academic commons was a platform for teachers and researchers to open their classroom to those onot subscribed to these school. at
the moment many schools were going for distance learning. … but one of the key people in the project passed away so it is on pause. so, when we bring libre software to schools, it can turn to another issue, just like photoshop. like femke i want to not be limited to just our classroom, but see how this can change the whole system of the school. this will fall short if we do new subjects without changingg the old dynamic.
Mirella: I'm a product designer, in a project 'surprise your life' or something translated like that. we work with tools and materials we have all around us, just to try to give solutions to everyday problems. one of the actives is workshops with different people, usually product design students, and in colleges we use a methodology that starts with a technique, and a material that is found all around us. design is a tool, it should give solutions to problems. so i am interested to share resources on the net, and how to use the waste in the school system for our own purposes.
christophe: ii worked on …
ginger: i am an editor of libre graphics magazine. I'm a phd student at u of toronto. i teach other peoples curricula to younger students. when i had a phd, i may write a curricula and I'm interested to see existing practices.
???: Id like to see a course sprint. like a booksprint, but to make a 20-30 hour course in 2-3 days and publish it as OEr. key to me is finding academic instructions to pay people to get in a room and liberate that knowledge to the web. i like this network to do the same thing. our peer group is people like us. our customer is the institutions. i use book type, a tested toolkit, it easy to use. i encourage people to use the inkscape, scribes and font forge manual, using them, remixigint hem, and sharing it back. the more we use it, he more its alive. i like adding a chapter zero, that explains the context of that edition. on saturday i hope to translate floss manuals to spanish.
manuel: who here has published OER?
pierre marchand: i do free software development, i work with OSP on many projects including workshops where i am intended to give something away. i hear this meeting as teachers thinking about what is next in their programme. i hate schools, i find them revolting since i was a teenager. i don't want to be educated. what to do? I really like to share experiences, i like this sentence 'learning situations' - it didn't say who will learn what. its a situation, something is on the table. i was happy when nicolas said not putting free software in schools but to free schools. thats the question, why i am interested in this networrk.
1st person: so this is a hello session, to see who is doing what and why. my interest is that i have been 4 years as an admin, and before i worked as an artist doing teaching around the world. i see both POVs, now i am again part of academia, i see people with passion who must deal with a heavy structure. … this network is something we can show, that there is something bigger, its not just one crazy person, its a wider movement. so having a simple purpose, to use it as a pool so we know who we can ask when we have questions. if someone wants a workshop on libre typography, we can see the list and who is near who can do it. to organise these situations. not a social contract, but id like us all to keep each other informed about what we are doing. its simple and down to earth, the network is just people with the same interest.
femke: i agree that a simple formality, so when you deal with official people, you can say you are part of the nework mmm mmmm and that is useful.
manuel: i have 2 ideas. there is a stem of validation, this network could answer that. the network could have its own network of validation of what we think is valuable. like how bit coin disrupts traditional banking. 2nd thing, with reputation, then you can give labels to schools to say that they meet our standards.
femke: so you will set up a mailing list and we will discuss there. but i think a formal sounding name can help.
pierre huggybear: in belgium there was a similar small group, 'open source open course'
femke: thank you all for attending!
From: Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net>
To: Create <CREATE at lists.freedesktop.org>
Cc: Loraine Furter <loraine.furter at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 18:51
Subject: Re: [CREATE] Titan-pad worskhop LGM
Hello Elisa,
Lara and Loraine took off-line notes -- maybe they can send them raw or quickly merge them somewhere? Preliminary notes are here: http://lgru.pad.constantvzw.org:8000/145
Also, this might be interesting: http://reader.lgru.net/pages/index (some texts in Spanish and French)
On 16/04/13 15:10, Elisa Godoy de Castro Guerra wrote:
> Hi,
> Anybody have the url of the pad of "Towards a network of free culture
> aware educators in art and design education" workshop ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Elisa
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> fr.flossmanuals.net/
> afgral.org
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